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誠品挾著豐沛的文創展演經驗與長年積累之藝文資源,於2013年進駐松山文創園區。立足於書店與複合式商場的誠品生活松菸店,持續秉持「連鎖而不複製」的誠品 ...
Point Card Terms and Conditions
1. Cardholders’ personal information may be shared among eslite Group’s related businesses.
2. If personal information has changed or has been input incorrectly (e.g. cardholders are not receiving event notifications), cardholders can visit the customer service counters at any elite store(s) or contact customer service by phone to make revision.
3. A complete list of privileges can be found at https://meet.eslite.com, or please ask our staffs at customer service counters. eslite reserves the right to amend these privileges. For any amendment, or cancellation of privileges, eslite will notify cardholders via email (provided corresponding email addresses are on record), or through the stores.
4. In order to protect the rights of cardholders, eslite will temporarily suspend the accumulation of purchase or eslite points if our sys...
營業時間異動 誠品生活松菸店的服務資訊 | 全台ATM分佈網
誠品生活松菸店 | 全台ATM分佈網
誠品生活松菸店- 2F | 全台ATM分佈網
誠品生活松菸店- B1F - | 全台ATM分佈網
【誠品松菸店】的隱藏美食&推薦餐廳!城市中自在生活的美好 ... | 全台ATM分佈網
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【台北】松山文創園區這樣玩!松菸展覽、美食餐廳&松菸誠品 ... | 全台ATM分佈網