國立政治大學語言學研究所 | 全台ATM分佈網
一、110學年度語言所博士班入學考試錄取名單(正取2名,備取2名)正取:61310002陳○倫(正1)...語言學研究所結合本校英國語文學系、心理學系、資訊科學系、神經科學研究所、應用物理研究所,及...政大語言學/英語教學學術工作坊(線上) ...
政大語言學/英語教學學術工作坊 ******************************************** 講者:George van Driem/Professor Emeritus at the University of Bern and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Centre for Linguistic Science and Technology Indian Institute of Technology 題目:Language evolution and the symbiotic theory of language: A brief introduction to Symbiosism and Symbiomism 摘要:Symbiosis has been understood to be a widespread phenomenon in the living world for almost as long as natural selection has been recognised. Most multicellular life forms arose ontogenetically as symbiomes. Language too is life form, yet language differs from other known organisms. This talk will provide a concise introduction to Symbiosism and Symbiomism. Symbiosism is the theory of language as a semiotic organism that inhabits the human brain and shapes human cognition. As distinct from other li...