大愛電視 | 全台ATM分佈網
大愛電視向您問好!大愛電視透過每一位真實人物的故事,傳遞美善到世界上每一個角落,並透過多元與優質的節目,發揚人與人之間的良善與互助,也歡迎您透過 ...
This free app lets you watch Da Ai TV live 24/7 and a 4-hour-catch-up.Da Ai TV broadcasts moving stories of love and goodness to rekindle the compassion and kindness in peoples heart, provoke caring actions and reach out to others. We want to change the world through media and provide clean wholesome contents that would uplift and inspire people. In Buddhism, we believe that every persons original nature is pure and good.
*Watch free live streaming on Da Ai TV and DaAi2 HD or listen to Da Ai Radio. *Two hour catch-up for live streaming channels. *Bilingual VOD contents available. *The visual quality of the programs will vary according to internet connection. *Due to the copyright issue, DaAi2 HD is only available in Taiwan. *This app requires an internet active connection, best in Wi-Fi environment. *This app supports Android 2.2 and above *More features to be released soon.