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桃園學校,外僑學校,美國學校,國際學校,教育,美式教育,翻轉教育,108新課綱,STEM,AmericanSchool,InternationalSchool,AmericanEducation,TaoyuanSchool,台北 ...
About TYAS - 關於桃園美國學校
Taoyuan American School (TYAS) is a private international school founded in 2012.
The school founded in 2012. The school has been authorized by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and licensed by the Ministry of Education (MOE). TYAS offers an American-based curriculum with well-experienced certified teachers.
The school buses serve students from the Greater Taipei Area, Taoyuan City and Hsinchu Area. TYAS recruits students from Grades 1-12 holding a foreign passport. Most graduates of TYAS go on to attend universities in the United States.
桃園美國學校【徵才職缺簡介】104人力銀行 | 全台ATM分佈網
「美國學校」找工作職缺-2021年7月 | 全台ATM分佈網
【美國學校】熱門徵才公司 | 全台ATM分佈網
桃園美國學校 | 全台ATM分佈網
桃園美國學校工作職缺工作機會-找工作就上1111人力銀行 | 全台ATM分佈網
亞太美國學校 | 全台ATM分佈網
總務人員|桃園美國學校|桃園市蘆竹區 | 全台ATM分佈網
桃園美國學校幸福企業工作-找知名公司工作就上1111人力銀行 | 全台ATM分佈網
Welcome to 桃園美國學校 | 全台ATM分佈網
桃園美國學校最新工作職缺2 筆 | 全台ATM分佈網